New Animal Gallery 1

Size and Prices are as follows:

Painted with Oil paints 9″ x 12″ *

Painted in Acrylic paints 12″ x 16″ **

Painted in Mixed Media 13″ x 18″ ***

Painted in Mixed Media 20″ x 24″ ****

Painted in Mixed Media 24″ x 36″ *****


More animals at Animal Gallery 2

7592a-What on the menu today-$500 ***
1273a-Yo-$300 **
1235a Kitties-$500 **
1215a The King-$200 **
1180a-SMELL-THE-FLOWERS-$500 **
7003a First Kiss-$300 ***
883a Love those Tigers- Sold
1242a-Good-Luck-$200 **
1179a Hold the Tiger-$600**
894a What a Fox-$100 **
5046a What deer season $400***
313a-Red-Birds in Spring -$300*
1280a Leo Wants-$300*
1266a Here come Lunch -$400 **
1226a Did You See That-Sold
980a On Your Mark-$100
2420a-Howdy-Mr-polar-bear $100**
1199a What a Dog-Sold
1228a Think White -$100 **
5031a Fluffy-$400 ***
2467a-Leo-the-lion-$100 **
1175a What Paint-$400 **
7266a Lunch-$200 **
662a What a Dog-$200 **
4991b-Got-a-treat- $200 ***
1230a Love those Z’s-$400 ***
4979a-Meow-nice-puddy-$300 **
952a Rose sought by Humming Bird-$200 **
953a Mama Mia-$200 ***
7032a-I’m-coming-out-$400 **
2617a Mr. cats-$200 ***
1245a Yes Do It-Sold 34
4464a-Red Bird-No-$300 **
5051a White Mama-$200 **
4983a-Hi You all come down-$300 ***
1315-Tom-give Jerry $200 ***
1052a What a Fox-$200 ***
1246a-Fuzzy-$200 ***
1053a-What a pair Swans-$200 **
1108b-White Wolf-Sold
1109a-Wolf One-$300 **43
2484b-I am No Wolf -$400 ***
7045a-Big-bird-enjoying-the-day-$300 **
1122a-Did I Tell You About-$300 **46
4927a-Love-birds-$300 **
1161a-Beware-of-bait-$200 **
1147a Mama-Sold 49
5059b-Hey-that-my-girl$400 ***
7012a-Black-panter-copy-$200 **
1211a-Tiger No-$800 **
513a-Dont-step-on-it-$300 **
5044a-Lion-is-king-$500 ***
1218a-Whose-that-002t-$300 *
3914b–What-for-Lunch-$300 **
1222a-Big Blue Buffo-$500 **
1223a-Looking for a Home-$500 ***
4925a-LOVE-INBOX-$300 **
1297a-YOU-SCARED-ME–$500 ***
5459a Butterflys-$300 **

1229a Make My Day “People Choice Award -San Diego State Fair” -$700 ***
1423a-Oh-Blue-Moon–$200 **
2585a-Some-jump-$400 *
5087a Three birds-$200 *
7013a Oh My-$300 **
1240a-What-a-site-$200 **66
7773a-Good Luck You All-$100 *
1243a-I Believe -$700 ***
7293b-Do-I-smell-it-or-eat-it -$500 ++
5057a-Did you see that-$400 **
1247a-Fast little Piggy-Sold
1248b-See-I-told-you-so-$300 **
1193a-NICE-DOGGIE-$200 *
1260a-What a View-$200 *74
7905a-My kind of Guy-$300 **
1262a-What-a-Mama-$200 **
9243a Call me Joe-$500 ***
1267a-Hi You All-$200 **78
1268a-You All Come Down You Here-$300 **
1269a-Sleep Little One-Sold 80
1270a You all come down -$300 **
5088a-Color-me-red-a-$200 **
5091a What up pop-$300 ***83
7857a-I-need-a-drink-Sold 84
1283 Who called this Meeting-Sold 85
751a Two Cats-$300 **
5692a Snow Tigers-$400 ***
7042b-Lovely-today-a-$400 **
5061a-Bird-of-feather-flock-together-$400 **

More new animals see Animal Gallery 2

or see more great animals at

Home Menu

Size and Prices are as follows:

Painted with Oil paints 9″ x 12″ *

Painted in Acrylic paints 12″ x 16″ **

Painted in Mixed Media 13″ x 18″ ***

Painted in Mixed Media 20″ x 24″ ****

Painted in Mixed Media 24″ x 36″ *****

Abstract Galleries

Animal Galleries

Christmas Galleries

Landscape Galleries

American Indian Galleries

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Religious Galleries

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Video Gallery

Painted with water color paints 9″ x 12″ *

Painted in water color paints 12″ x 16″ **

Painted in Mixed Media 13″ x 18″ ***

Painted in Mixed Media 20″ x 24″ ****

Painted in Mixed Media 24″ x 36″ *****


7949-Eagle One-$300